[Requirement]How to unban your device made by yourself
-Banning a user has multi methods, most could be Unbanned simply by logging you out of your Game Center and detele the game completely. At last, install the game again, without Any GameCenter or iCloud Data-Backup Crap.
-This Tut helps you make a deb which unbans you by editting keychain.
-First, Open /var/Keychains/keychain-2.db look for your game in agrp section in the table called genp.Assume we found the record which has a agrp value called HELLOWORLD.TESTKEYCHAIN
-Open your THEOS, use the tool template.In main.mm, type:
-Open your Makefile, Add this in Makefile:
-Fetch this dylib from /usr/lib and put it under your main.mm folder.Compile your project. And enjoy!!
-If you want your tool better. Look at this Demo, I'm sure it will help you
Download DEMO
-This Tut helps you make a deb which unbans you by editting keychain.
-First, Open /var/Keychains/keychain-2.db look for your game in agrp section in the table called genp.Assume we found the record which has a agrp value called HELLOWORLD.TESTKEYCHAIN
-Open your THEOS, use the tool template.In main.mm, type:
#import"sqlite3.h" //This could be fetched from /usr/include Under your SDK directory
int main(int argc, const char *argv[], char **envp)
sqlite3* database;
const char* sqlitePaths = "/var/Keychains/keychain-2.db";
const chat * command;
sqlite3_open(sqlitePaths, &database);
command="detele from genp where agrp='HELLOWORLD.TESTKEYCHAIN'";
return 0;
-Open your Makefile, Add this in Makefile:
-Fetch this dylib from /usr/lib and put it under your main.mm folder.Compile your project. And enjoy!!
-If you want your tool better. Look at this Demo, I'm sure it will help you
Download DEMO